Numbers differ in school finance issue (7/9/16)There are reportedly differing numbers available on the impact of a school funding equity bill passed in late June by the Kansas Legislature that has varying effects on districts across the state. According to District 12 Sen. Caryn Tyson, R-Parker, figures that she has obtained on the impact of House Bill 2001, passed by lawmakers at the end of a two-day special legislative session, differ slightly from the numbers USD 234 officials received following passage of the bill...
Busy year ahead for USD 235 board (12/22/15)USD 235 Board of Education members will be busier than in the past few years as they head into the new year. They are moving forward with the school improvement project that voters said yes to in April, and the superintendent/principal search which began last month...
2015 Uniontown High School Senior Awards (6/2/15)\Giulia Bertea Volleyball participant, basketball varsity letter award; basketball sportsmanship award; track participant; honor roll Scholastic achievement in English 12 and precalculus. Math contests at Louisburg High School (HS): analytic geometry 12, probability calculus team 12. ...
2015 Uniontown High School Junior Awards (6/2/15)Tyler Allen Mentoring: 50 hours, basketball letter, All-State Choir member, district choir member, regional and state choir member-superior rating, choir letter. Karah Beerbower Mentoring: 42 hours. Megan Blythe Honor roll, volleyball participant, Scholastic Achievement-English 11, outstanding history student, outstanding junior artist, Art Club member, National Art Honor Society member, Missouri Western State University-artistic excellence, Cleveland Institute of Art-honorable mention for 2D3D Contest, Wellsville Art Show-artistic excellence, TRL Art Show Overall School Champion member, TRL Art Show-second place oil pastel and honorable mention in crafts, artwork published in fall and spring edition of Celebrating Art Book, Labette Community College-second place in mixed media, band letter, state large group band member-excellent rating. ...
USD 235 procures school resource officer (3/13/13)Beginning March 25, USD 235, Uniontown, will be under the watchful eye of its first school resource officer, Bourbon County Deputy Logan Probasco of the Bourbon County Sheriff's Department. USD 235 Superintendent Randy Rockhold told the USD 235 Board of Education of the addition of the SRO during its regular monthly meeting on Monday night. ...
Rockhold: 'I feel so sorry for our state' (2/14/13)Bills in Kansas Legislature will force small districts to tighten belts even further if passed
Education funding a concern for USD 235 superintendent (2/13/13)Editor's Note: Due to the many topics covered in this interview, it will be presented in two parts. The second part will appear in Thursday's edition. USD 235 Superintendent Randy Rockhold is genuinely concerned that his seventh-grade daughter might not receive the quality education his older children have and that other Uniontown youth might not be afforded the same educational opportunities as those who came before them...
Eagle Royalty (2/12/13)
Spelling Bee resolved after 39 rounds (2/8/13)UNIONTOWN -- Twenty of Bourbon County's best and brightest from both West Bourbon Elementary and Fort Scott Christian Heights displayed their mastery of spelling on Thursday afternoon during the 2013 Bourbon County Spelling Bee at WBE in Uniontown. What resulted was 39 rounds of spelling, which included a 33-round stand-off between the two finalists, seventh grader Ben George and sixth grader Madelyn Ard, both of Uniontown...
Uniontown Jr./Sr. High School 2nd quarter honor roll (2/7/13)"All A's" Kathryn Bolinger, Brenna Bower, Audrey Chaplin, Gavin Fry, Benjamin George, Bryanna Johnson, Danielle Nading, Victoria Reed, Blair Rockhold, Madison Wilkinson, Ty Covey, Trevor Crossland, Kaitlynn Sampson, Kalen Simpson, Sabra Stoughton-Wray, Colton Sutterby...
DHS assesses U-235 security (3/14/12)UNIONTOWN -- The Department of Homeland Security recently assessed the safety and security of schools in the Uniontown USD 235 school district. During the all-hazards assessment which took place last Wednesday and Thursday, local law enforcement and emergency management officials worked with school officials to evaluate the districts ability to handle serious, life-threatening situations...
USD 235 students to enjoy Seuss (3/14/12)UNIONTOWN -- USD 235 students in preschool through second grade will be traveling to Iola today for a free theatrical performance at the Bowlus Fine Arts Center. "As much as we can expose kids to the arts, I like it," West Bourbon Elementary School Principal Tracy Smith said. "And free? We like it even more."...
UHS Homecoming (9/22/11)Uniontown High School will celebrate homecoming this Friday, Sept. 23. The crowning of the homecoming king and queen will take place at 6:30 p.m. before the game with McCauley.
Kansas 4-H awards 53 scholarships; three new scholarships introduced this year (6/10/11)MANHATTAN -- The Kansas 4-H Foundation is making more than $40,000 in scholarships available to 4-H members for post-secondary education for the 2011--2012 academic year. One of the recipients is Caitlin Jackson, from Uniontown. She was awarded the Extension Step Ahead SE Scholarship. Jackson is the daughter of Dale and Alicia Jackson...
Rockhold praises U-235 staff for working within budget (8/10/10)UNIONTOWN -- The members of the Uniontown USD 235 Board of Education met Monday night to discuss the budget and plans for the upcoming 2010-11 school year. Due to cuts in funding this year, Uniontown, like many other schools, must work to adjust and balance a budget with less assistance than in years past. ...
USD 235 accepting applications for free preschool (7/26/10)USD 235 in Uniontown is accepting applications for the free 4-year-old preschool program for the 2010-11 school year. This free preschool will provide fun-filled, hands-on opportunities and experiences to enhance a child's cognitive, language, social, emotional and physical development in preparation for kindergarten...
Five locals named to Shrine Bowl band (7/22/10)PITTSBURG -- Pittsburg State University will be the location for this summer's Kansas Masonic Foundation Shrine Bowl next weekend, an event that will bring more than 200 high school musicians from across the state to perform in the 2010 Kansas Masonic All-Star Band...
UHS cheerleaders hope to earn way to New York (7/15/10)UNIONTOWN -- Four Uniontown High School cheerleaders need some support as they seek a trip to New York City this fall. UHS senior Tiffany Poyner, sophomores Lauren Rockhold and Rebecca O'Dell, and freshman Kelli Wilkinson have been chosen this year as All-American Cheerleaders by the National Cheerleading Association and are trying to raise money to represent the area by performing in the 84th Annual Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade...
UHS journalism students earn medals at state contest (5/13/10)UNIONTOWN -- Five Uniontown High School students competed in seven events at the Kansas Scholastic Press Association's State Contest at the University of Kansas in Lawrence on May 1. Three students came home with medals for their efforts. More than 940 students from 109 Kansas schools competed in the contest at Kansas University. ...
Time to soar (5/11/10)37 receive diplomas at Uniontown High graduation
Uniontown sends 9 to state speech (5/10/10)UNIONTOWN -- Uniontown High School recently sent nine students to the Kansas State High School Activities Association Class 2A State Speech and Drama Championships which took place May 1 in Wichita. In order to qualify for the state championships, each student must have earned a first or second place finish at one of the invitational tournaments that take place throughout the school year, according to UHS Forensics Coach Myrna Wildschuetz...
USD 235 accepting applications for pre-school program (4/14/10)USD 235 in Uniontown is accepting applications for the free 4-year-old preschool program for the 2010-11 school year. This free preschool provides fun-filled, hands-on learning opportunities and experiences to enhance a child's cognitive, language, social, emotional and physical development in preparation for kindergarten, according to a statement from the Southeast Kansas Education Service Center in Girard...
USD 235 adjusts to lower funding (4/13/10)The USD 235 Board of Education met Monday to discuss several issues, including budgeting for the 2010-11 school year. With the possibility of major cuts in state funding, the board discussed several possible cuts and adjustments the school district could make in the budget to prepare the district for less funding...
West Bourbon screenings slated April 15 (4/8/10)USD 235 will conduct screenings of prospective kindergarten students from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thursday, April 15, and Friday, April 16, at West Bourbon Elementary School, 602 Fifth St., Uniontown. Youngsters must be at least 5 years of age on or before Aug. ...
FSMS Math Team takes honors in regional contest (2/23/10)On Saturday, the Fort Scott Middle School Math Team, coached by Josh Gier, attended the regional MATHCOUNTS competition in Pittsburg. After taking two individual tests, a team test, and passing another round of competition, FSMS team member Mark Garner, an eighth grader, walked away with the trophy for first place in the individual category. Winning first place earned Garner a...
Winter Royalty (2/9/10)
County students to receive honors (2/1/10)A group of Bourbon County students will soon reap the rewards of showing dedication to their schoolwork. A total of 19 seniors from Fort Scott High School and Uniontown High School will be among 40 seniors from high schools in Allen, Bourbon and Woodson counties who will be recognized for their academic achievements and named Kansas Honor Scholars during a dinner program at 6:30 p.m. Monday, Feb. 8, at FSHS, 1005 S. Main St...
USD 235 budget OK for now (1/26/10)UNIONTOWN -- USD 235 is currently surviving recent budget cuts and delayed state aid payments, but the future could be a different story. "Starting with the 2012-13 year, if we don't get additional funding or the state to start paying on time, we could have cash flow problems," USD 235 Superintendent Randy Rockhold said. "Because of our cash reserves and contingency, we're alright and we don't have cash flow problems right now."...
Vaccines for students (11/18/09)
Uniontown FFA'ers go to nationals (11/3/09)Members of the Uniontown High School FFA Chapter were one of 42 teams that participated in the 2009 National FFA Livestock Career Development Event. The competition took place Oct. 21-24 in Indianapolis, Ind., during the 82nd National FFA Convention...
Basketball book signing to feature former Uniontown, Prescott stars (10/22/09)UNIONTOWN -- Friday night, Uniontown High School will host a book signing by author Steven Michael Farney and several former area basketball stars as they sign copies of "Club 50: 50-Point Single Game Scorers in Kansas High School Boys Basketball History."...
Juniors' effort brings UJSHS award (10/20/09)UNIONTOWN -- Dedication and hard work has spelled success for a group of juniors at Uniontown Junior Senior High School. UJSHS officials recently learned that the school has been awarded a certificate of merit as part of the 6th Annual Challenge Awards. ...
USD 235 accepts $18,952 rural grant (10/14/09)UNIONTOWN -- USD 235 will once again receive some federal assistance this year. The USD 235 Board of Education, on Monday, approved the acceptance of a $18,952 Rural Education Achievement Program (REAP) grant, a federal grant designed to help rural schools across the United States overcome additional costs incurred due to their geographic isolation, smaller number of students and lower income levels...
All smiles (10/6/09)
Enrollment numbers mixed (10/1/09)Recent enrollment counts at area schools show mixed results. Fort Scott Community College has an enrollment of 2,017 students this fall, an increase of 278 students from last fall and the first time that enrollment at the college has broken the 2,000 student mark, according to FSCC officials...
Pre-school screenings at West Bourbon Elementary Friday (8/24/09)UNIONTOWN -- Developmental screenings for children of preschool age who live in USD 235 will be available from 12:30 to 3 p.m. Friday at West Bourbon Elementary School, 602 Fifth St. The purpose of the screening clinics is to locate children with possible developmental delays who may need special education or related services, or who need assistance with referrals to other service agencies...