Hill achieves 500th career win at FSCC
Friday, April 26, 2024

Fort Scott Community College Head Baseball Coach John Hill III, left, recorded his 500th career win earlier this season.
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Editor's note: This article was submitted by Gary Van Cleave, special to the Tribune.
Earlier this season, John Hill, III reached a milestone as the baseball coach at Fort Scott Community College. He notched his 500th career win – but more impressively, all the W’s have come at the same school in Bourbon County.
“It’s beyond rare to do this at the same school. People nowadays seem to ‘jump’ from place to place in an effort to chase what they think is bigger/better,” Hill said. “I never wanted to do that. I wanted to make an impact at the same school and community and that takes effort, patience, consistency and time.”
See Saturday's print or online edition for full story.