Aiming high gains national championship for local axe, knife thrower

Friday, September 22, 2023
Mac Stoughton of Fort Scott is pictured at his business with several awards he has won throughout his professional career in knife and axe throwing – including the 2023 Thrower of the Year award.
Jason E. Silvers/Tribune photo

Mac Stoughton has taken his hobby to the next level.

Stoughton, of Fort Scott, owner of M’Axe Throw House at 212 E. First St., has traveled across the country, winning medals and trophies as he hones his skills in the growing sport of professional knife and axe throwing. He has now become one of the most accomplished knife throwers of 2023.

Stoughton was the overall professional champion at the Game of Throws knife and axe throwing competition Aug. 18-20 at the White Oak Ridge event venue in Chillicothe, Ohio. The event, hosted by Blade Aces Corp., featured 61 competitors from the U.S. and Canada. Stoughton placed first in the professional knife throwing event.

See Saturday's print or online edition for full story.