Pool, Buck Run closed due to rise in COVID-19 cases

Friday, June 26, 2020

After a discussion on criteria for closing public entities, Fort Scott City Commissioners on Wednesday approved a measure to close the Fort Scott Aquatic Center and Buck Run Community Center for seven days due to a recent increase in COVID-19 cases in Bourbon County.

The vote wasn’t unanimous, and there was much discussion on what action the commission should take. After the discussion, Commissioner Lindsey Watts seconded Commissioner Randy Nichols’ motion to follow a seven-day quarantine recommendation from the Bourbon County Health Department, and to get criteria for reopening those facilities from local health officials. Nichols, Watts and Mayor Jolynne Mitchell voted yes. Commissioners Pete Allen and Kevin Allen voted no.

Deputy Fire Chief Dave Bruner said the reason the special meeting was called was for commissioners and staff to discuss a recent rise in COVID-19 numbers.

See complete story in Saturday's print or online edition.