COVID-19 testing for healthy workers as work release
The Community Health Center of Southeast Kansas issued a news release Friday regarding requests CHC/SEK has received from employers and individuals to clear workers as virus free.
“Community Health Center of Southeast Kansas is committed to developing systems at our all of our clinics to address this outbreak of Coronavirus,” Linda Bean, CHC/SEK Chief Clinical Officer, said in a letter to employers. “We want to keep your employees and our staff protected from the virus while treating those who are ill.
“However, during this time of COVID-19, it is not feasible for us to provide a note indicating an individual is healthy to present to work. The exception would be when the individual has been under our care for a recent illness.
“There may be concerns about staff presenting to work healthy. One suggestion is to implement a station at employee entrance for staff to take and log their temperatures and report any symptoms of illness at the beginning of their shift to ensure only healthy employees are working. In addition, making work accommodations that follow the ‘social distancing’ recommendations.”
“As a reminder, employees absent with colds and flu should not to report back to work until fever-free for at least 24 hours without fever reducing medicine.”
Employers or employees who have any questions about the Coronavirus and the symptoms may call the CHC/SEK 24-hour nurse helpline at (866) 888-8650.
In addition, the CDC has provided guidance for employers that can be found at: response.html.