Courthouse without power

Friday, July 1, 2016

Due to a report of an explosion in a transformer behind the Bourbon County Courthouse late this morning, the courthouse is currently without power.

The Bourbon County Commission met in a special meeting at 11:30 today to discuss the situation and decide whether to close the courthouse or leave it open.

Commissioners elected to keep the courthouse open for regular business hours until 4:30 p.m. today, however services that necessitate the use of electronic devices, which includes almost all services offered by the courthouse, are not available.

The Southeast Kansas Regional Correctional Center next to the courthouse is operating through the use of a backup generator, officials said.

Westar Energy was working on the issue today and county emergency management officials said it was estimated that power will not be restored until 5:30 p.m. tonight at the earliest.

More information will appear in tomorrow's edition of the Tribune.