County departments begin submitting budget requests
On Tuesday, department heads began submitting their budget requests to the Bourbon County Commissioners.
So far, the requests have ranged from no changes to a slight decrease to an increase that includes additional employees and a 3-percent pay increase.
Public Works
First out of the gate Tuesday was Public Works Director Jim Harris, who is requesting a 3-percent budget increase for all his employees.
The total budget request for the road and bridge department is $2,197,773.
In addition to the pay increase, Harris also is requesting the addition of employees for the road and bridge department.
"We are down five employees," Harris said. "We can really feel the crunch. If there is any way we could add some back in 2017, I would like to try to do so. That's one crew and I can see the difference in what's getting done. But if we can't, we can't. One crew is a lot of people."
Harris said his personnel request is for one secretary and four "in the field." He said the bridge crew was helping the roads crew to help fill the gap.
"It's kind of where we are," Commission Chair Barbara Albright said. "We're trying to make all this work. But that was part of our plan this year was to work with fewer people. We're just so tight."
Noxious weed
The only change in the noxious weed budget, set at $152,598, is the 3-percent salary increase, which adds $1,000 over 2016's budget, Harris said.
Bridge and culvert
The bridge and culvert budget request is $217,426, which is $175,000 less than the 2016 budget because it does not include expenses for a bridge project. It does include $10,000 to purchase a new used pickup -- if the pickup is not purchased in 2016, Harris said.
Road and Bridge Sales Tax
There also is a 3-percent pay increase included in the road and bridge sales tax fund, but the budget request of $1,018,124 is $160,000 less than the 2016 budget. Harris said money was set aside in 2016 for the Maple Road project.
The budget request also includes an additional $10,000 for a used pickup.
Special Bridge
The budget request for special bridge remains at $20,585 to maintain a supply of culverts.
The budget request for the landfill is $225,019. Because there are two fewer employees, Harris said the salaries are lower, even though there is a 3-percent pay increase included. There also is debt service for the backhoe and new transfer station.
Elm Creek Lake
The budget request for Elm Creek is $26,931.
Environmental Services
Environmental Services Coordinator Eric Bailey presented two budget requests. One request, for $64,821, includes a vehicle. The other request, $44,821, does not include a vehicle.
Bailey said he has replaced the transmission, but the vehicle, which has about 137,000 miles on it, is started to "get a knock again." He said he continues to have to transport sewer equipment inside the vehicle after the equipment has been used.