Man sought in connection with pharmacy robbery

Friday, March 18, 2016

The Fort Scott Police Department is investigating a reported robbery Tuesday night at Woods Supermarket, 2322 S. Main St.

About 6:30 p.m., FSPD officers were dispatched to the store in reference to a robbery. Officers later discovered that a white male, who claimed to have a firearm, had entered the pharmacy inside the store and demanded an employee give him all of the store's supply of a specific pharmaceutical narcotic, according to the FSPD.

FSPD Capt. Shaun West said Thursday he couldn't confirm whether the male suspect had possession of a firearm.

"At this point, he was claimed to be armed, but I can't confirm that," West said.

The suspect then left the store in a dark colored four-door vehicle. This is reportedly the last time the suspect was seen in the area. On Wednesday, the FSPD released through social media images of the suspect inside the store and the vehicle he left in.

The suspect has not been found and apprehended, but West said police are following leads and conducting an investigation into the reported incident.

"Detectives have followed up on multiple leads that were called in or sent in to our office," he said. "They continue to follow up on those, as well as physical evidence. There is no one in custody at this time."

Due to the investigation, West said he could not provide specifics on physical evidence police had collected.

West said he also could not provide the type of drug the suspect had demanded of the store employee. He did confirm it was "pharmaceutical narcotics."

In following leads, police checked other businesses in Fort Scott following the report of the robbery.

"This (robbery) was the only incident reported to our office," he said. "We followed up with several businesses to obtain information in the investigation, but none were victims of any crime."

West said police have received assistance from the public through both social media and other outlets since the reported incident occurred.

"We've had quite a bit of help from the public," he said. "That's given us numerous leads. We're appreciative to the public and we will continue with those leads as we go through the process of identifying the individual responsible."

Anyone who has information about the suspect or the incident can call the FSPD at (620) 223-1700 or the tips hotline at (620) 223-1711.