City asking for ownership of building

Friday, August 7, 2015
ason E. Silvers/Tribune photo The Stout Building located on the corner of First Street and National Avenue has been on the city's condemnation list since 2007 and remains empty and in a state of disrepair. City officials are looking at the possibility of getting the property deeded to the city and then demolishing the structure. Several windows in the building are broken and there is a 6-foot hole in the roof, which is nearing collapse, officials said.

City officials are looking at the possibility of tearing down the old Stout Building located on the corner of First Street and National Avenue.

City Manager Dave Martin discussed the old building with the Fort Scott City Commission on Tuesday. He said the former dilapidated three-story apartment building has been on the city's condemnation list since 2007 and continues to remain in a state of disrepair.

"Engineers have looked at it. It's too far gone to save," Martin said.

Martin said he recently talked with the owners of the trust for the building to find out their plans. Martin said he has discovered the owners have no intent to pay the taxes on the building nor will they pay to take it down.