Hedges says good-bye during his final meeting

Tuesday, May 19, 2015
Loretta George/Tribune photo Jacob Reichard, Fort Scott Community College director of information technology, gives a quick review of his department's responsibilities, challenges, accomplishments and some analysis of usage of the college to the FSCC Board of Trustees at Monday evening's meeting.

Fort Scott Community College Interim President Dick Hedges said his good-byes during the Fort Scott Community College Board of Trustees meeting Monday.

Hedges was a FSCC Trustee when he was selected to be interim president following the resignation of former President Clayton Tatro in July 2014.


In his president's report, Hedges reviewed improvements to the college during his recent term.

The large round classroom has new furnishings, the cosmetology school moved back to campus, the rodeo facility is nearing completion and a new college website was created as of Monday afternoon, he said.

"There was a nice $500,000 nursing bequest last fall which went to the endowment board for scholarships," Hedges said. "We welcomed a new board member (Liz Meyer) and we have two new board members coming on, Bernita (Hill) and Dana (McKenney).

"This has not been an easy year. Regardless...I'll try to finish it up. Thank you for the time I've had here."

Newly hired FSCC President Alysia Johnston is expected to begin her duties June 1.

Also newly hired is Julie Eichenberger, dean of finance and operations, who also will begin her duties June 1.

"She is from Mercy Hospital," Hedges said.

The two new trustees should be sworn in around July 2, interim business manager Carolyn Sinn said.

Alcohol policy update

Following last month's unanimous vote to seek more clarification and guidelines for alcohol to be exempted from the current alcohol beverage policy, Trustees John Kerr, Liz Meyer and FSCC employee Jill Warford met as a committee to discuss the issue.

"I don't know if everything has been answered yet," Kerr said. "If we decide to go there, I think we should have a high enough security deposit...If someone is throwing a party they should have an interest (in keeping things under control)."

"The security deposit would be refundable," Meyer said.

Trustee Chairman Mark McCoy said an off-duty police or sheriff's officer who is trained in these matters should be a part of the policy.

The attorney they are working with is out of town and more information should be gathered by the next trustee meeting, McCoy said.

New college website

The college's website, located at www.fortscott.edu, was originally created in 2002 with the current version being uploaded in 2010, according to an earlier Tribune report.

Over the past 13 years, at least three versions of the website have been created with an average life expectancy of about 4.5 years. Changes to web pages created and programmed by the IT department were cumbersome due to the nature of the interface, according to FSCC information.

FSCC's Director of Public Relations Jason Hogue said the new site went on-line at 4 p.m. Monday and is estimated to save the college $100,000 in the long run.

New dorm furnishings

The trustees approved the purchase of 26 twin size replacement dorm beds, the majority of which will go to Boileau Hall. The lowest bid was $6,909 from University Loft Co., Greenfield, Ind. Ruddick's Furniture of Fort Scott bid $7,987.

Because of good past performance of Ruddick's and it is a Bourbon County business, the trustees approved the Ruddick's bid.

FSCC has two residential halls available to students. Boileau Hall, built in 2002, accommodates women's basketball, volleyball and softball students, men's baseball students and livestock judging students. When space is available, non-varsity athletes are accommodated as well. The maximum student census for 2014-15 school year at Boileau Hall was 105.

Greyhound Hall, built in 1970, accommodates football and men's basketball players. When space is available, male non-varsity athletes can be accommodated as well. The maximum student census for 2014-15 was 126 for Greyhound Hall.

Increase in student tuition update

John Kerr asked about the breakdown of the student fees and tuition increase, just as the meeting was adjourning.

"The fees voted on last month," he said to Hedges. "I thought we would have a idea of the breakdown of where the tuition raise is going."

Hedges handed Kerr a piece of paper after the meeting adjourned.

More information on the information provided to Kerr will be available in a future edition of The Tribune.

Other business

* Information on insurance quotes for football and rodeo athletes was not available, as Athletic Director J.D. Ettore said he is still gathering information. The current policy would need to be renewed by Aug. 1.

* The trustees approved the following personnel actions:

Additions were Emily Hoffman, Strategies, Opportunities and Services for Out-of-School Youth (SOSOSY) Project Liasion, effective May 1; Omar Lopez, regional recruiter, May 1; Charles Howser, logistics director and assistant to the print shop director, May 11; William Pitts, general maintenance technician, May 18; Kelly Sims, Pittsburg Education Center Office Manager.

Separations were: Stacey Thompson, part-time administrative assistant at Harley Davidson, effective April 24. One of the John Deere teachers has resigned, Hedges said.

* Approval was given to amend the FSCC budget agreement with Iowa Department of Education Services. In the original agreement, the amount of the contract was not to exceed $500,000. The amended contract is not to exceed $700,000 to cover increasing identification and recruitment services. FSCC will retain an 8 percent administrative allowance as the fiscal agent.

* Jacob Reichard, FSCC director of information technology, gave a quick review of his department's responsibilities, challenges, accomplishments and some analysis of usage of the college.