Complex 'a feather in the cap,' says Jenkins

Friday, April 10, 2015

Representative Lynn Jenkins (R-Kan.) was on hand for the opening of the LaRoche Baseball Complex Tuesday afternoon and told reporters on hand that the facility looks nothing like she envisioned it would when she was in Fort Scott just prior to construction.

"We were at the field when it was just a pile of dirt with Adam probably a year ago," Jenkins said just before Tuesday's opening ceremony. "It's just something else to see today what this means to this community. It's been a great partnership with everyone working together. What a gift it is to Adam and Jen LaRoche to this community.

"I think it's a real feather in the cap. We will be drawing folks from all over the nation right here to Fort Scott to enjoy this facility and enjoy competition in America's favorite pastime."

The complex hopes to draw teams for tournaments during the summer -- it's said to be booked for most of the summer already -- and Jenkins feels those players, coaches and parents coming to town for a weekend will help boost the local economy.

"I never imagined such a spectacular place like this in Fort Scott, Kansas. But it will be a great economic development tool. We'll draw a lot of tournaments and things to this community. It's good for Kansas and it's good for this area."

Jenkins praised Fort Scott native Adam LaRoche for what she called his gift to the community.

"There is nothing like a favorite son, and our favorite baseball son is Adam LaRoche," she said. "You can tell how special this community is to him and what a wonderful gift that he's given this community."