Local groups receive annual United Way Awards

The United Way Board of Directors presented contributor awards Thursday at the Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce weekly coffee. The awards were given to area employees for the their support of the United Way's campaign to fund local agencies that provide services to Bourbon County residents.
Community Awards are determined by using the total employee pledged amounts divided by the total number of employees.
Awards and recipients are: Professional Division is Diehl Banwart Bolton CPA's with donation amount per employee of $182.50; Public Division is the City of Fort Scott with $18.97 per employee; Industrial Division is Westar Energy with $179.14 per employee; and Commercial Division is City State Bank with $77.56 per employee.
The Over the Top Award was given to Westar Energy for its employees contributing $822 more than last year. The 100 Percent Participation Award was given to 7UP Bottling Group employees.
United Way of Bourbon County raises funds for 15 agencies with the stipulation that the money remains in the county.
Those agencies are: Bourbon County 4-H Fair, Bourbon County Inter-Agency Coalition Board, Bourbon County Senior Citizens, Care to Share Cancer Patient Support Group, Fort Scott Ministerial Alliance Hospitality Fund, Kansas Legal Services, Keyhole Youth Center, Kansas Big Brothers Big Sisters of Bourbon County, Mother to Mother Ministry of Bourbon County, My Father's House Community Services, Safehouse Crisis Center, Southeast Kansas Respite Services, Salvation Army Service Extension, Tri-Valley Developmental Services and United Cerebral Palsy of Kansas.