Warren presides over final commission meeting

The last meeting Allen Warren will attend as a commissioner was brief.
While the commissioners will meet Friday, Warren will be out of town for other business.
Warren lost his bid for re-election to Lynne Oharah during the primary election in August. Oharah defeated the Democrat candidate Clinton Walker during the general election in November.

During the reception, Second District Commissioner Barbara Albright read a certificate of appreciation for Warrens service as a county commissioner. The certificate was presented to Warren during the November Kansas County Commissioners Association Conference held in Wichita.
Albright and Third District Commissioner Harold Coleman spoke of Warren's diligence as a commissioner. Coleman said there is no one who has been more dedicated than Warren.
Warren in turn praised his fellow commissioners and thanked those who have supported him during his eight years as a commissioner.
He also encouraged others to get involved in county government.
The only business conducted during open session Monday was hearing reports from Public Works Director Jim Harris.
Snow that fell in other areas of the state missed Bourbon County, which made for an easier weekend for the county roads crews, according to Harris.
The county has begun using a new ice treatment this year, which Harris said did melt what little frozen precipitation had accumulated on the roads.
Harris said he drove the roads at 3 a.m. Sunday and didn't see anything.
"Then, at 5 (a.m.), I got an alert on my phone the county roads had black ice," he said. "So I went back out and didn't still see anything."
Harris also reported he will be meeting next week with officials from the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad regarding water retention on the railroad right-of-way in Pawnee Township.
Albright and Oharah said they have spoken with a property owner where the water is backing up. Harris said he has looked at the area in the past and his response has always been that he is waiting for the railroad to meet with him.
"The plan is to put a culvert in, but they (railroad representatives) have to show up," Harris said. "I went there twice and they didn't show up."
Before adjourning for a reception to honor Warren, the commissioners held a 30-minute executive session with Harris and Oharah to discuss non-elected personnel to protect their privacy. After the session was extended for another 30 minutes, the commissioners took no action.
Note: County elected officials will be sworn in at 11:30 a.m. Monday, Jan. 12, at the second floor lobby of the courthouse.