Heading out after a visit
Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Tammy Helm/Tribune photo
Maggie, left, and Doc, a pair of Haflingers, follow another wagon and an outrider out of the Presbyterian Village parking lot Saturday. Leading the wagons is Buck Rowland of Arma on horseback. Frank Burkdoll of Lynden, driver, said he likes to stop at nursing homes and other elderly group residences while traveling by wagon because he hopes someone will do the same for him one day. The group was making its way to the Fort Scott Community College for the annual Echoes of the Trail Cowboy Gathering held over the weekend.
The 18th annual Echoes of the Trail Cowboy Gathering features included a pair of wagons the rolled in from Cato. The wagons were pulled by teams of Haflingers. Before reaching their final destination -- the Cowboy Gathering at Fort Scott Community College, the teams' drivers made a stop at Presbyterian Village so some of the residents and visitors could see the horses.