City, USD still working on ball park

Friday, May 9, 2014

Officials are still ironing out details of an agreement to bring a new baseball park to Fort Scott.

City Manager Dave Martin provided an update on the proposed "LaRoche Baseball Complex" to the Fort Scott City Commission during their Tuesday meeting. An inter-local agreement is being hammered out between city officials and USD 234 for the proposed $2 million baseball field. Martin said the complex would be "jointly owned" by both entities once the agreement is finalized.

"There are a few things that Adam is looking at; we've about got it worked out," Martin said. "We're continuing to work on an agreement to where it will work for the city and U-234."

Martin told commissioners that the inter-local agreement is not yet ready to be approved by commissioners but he added he is "optimistic" about the agreement. The USD 234 Board of Education will meet next week and the agreement is on the board's agenda. Land in the Fort Scott Industrial Park where the complex will be located is beginning to be cleared and work will likely continue "until an agreement is figured out," Martin said.

"Hopefully, in the next couple of weeks we hope to have an agreement with U-234," he said. "We're getting some financial things ironed out. The project is still going forward."

If needed, a special meeting of the city commission can be called to consider approval of the agreement, Martin said.

Martin said the Bourbon County Economic Development Council, Inc. (BEDCO) plans to hold a meeting soon and will sign an easement for an additional 100-feet of property that is needed for the proposed 500-seat ballpark. BEDCO has agreed to donate about 20 acres of land for the complex within the Industrial Park in the southern part of the city just off U.S. Highway 69. The land still needs to be transferred from BEDCO to the city and the school district. The Fort Scott Recreation Commission would oversee scheduling for the complex.

LaRoche, a 1998 Fort Scott High School graduate, is contributing money to the project and officials are also trying to raise funds through sponsorships and donations. Martin said some donations have already been accepted for the project. The hope is that local residents may wish to invest in the complex through such ways as seating and signs at the ballpark. LaRoche also hopes to use all local contractors for construction of the facility.

LaRoche is spearheading an attempt to help bring in sponsors and donations, Martin said. A brochure with details of the complex is also being put together.

"Adam has some contacts we don't have," he said.

Martin said there are "three things that are not Adam's responsibility" that the city and USD 234 would be responsible for in their agreement: the city would be responsible for hooking up utilities at the ballpark; both the city and U-234 would work together on a gravel parking lot and future maintenance of the facility, "Once it's built, taking on the annual care of it," Martin said.

During the meeting, Martin provided commissioners with some early expense and revenue projections. He said the projected cost to maintain the facility would be about $65,000 per year "jointly between the city and U-234." Projected revenues, in terms of money the school district would bring in from baseball games, is about $30,000 to $40,000 per year, Martin said.

"And that's not including marketing and from tournaments and things," he said. "This is just what U-234 has projected."

The projected cost the city and school district will have to cover after revenues are figured in is about $15,000 each year, Martin said.

Martin said he feels "comfortable" the city commission is "OK with where we're heading" on the project.

"We have to get it done for the community and Adam," he said. "We have to get in a room and get it done."

Martin has said the project could break ground as early as June 1 with a possible completion date in late September. The main playing field at the complex will be named in honor of former FSHS baseball coach Dave Regan, who died in 2002. The complex will also include an area for a practice field or a future additional playing field.

The facility would serve as the home field for the FSHS baseball team.

In other business Tuesday:

* During Martin's regular report to the commission, he informed commissioners that the Fort Scott Police Department is selling a red and black 2006 Harley-Davidson 1200 Custom Sportster motorcycle that was seized in a narcotics-related case.

The motorcycle, which has 11,027 miles on it, is being sold through eBay, the online auction site. The city has replaced the front tire, rear brake, battery, spark plugs and oil filter on the bike, and has recently changed the oil. There is a clear title on the motorcycle and it is in "very good condition," according to the FSPD's post on its Facebook page regarding the sale.

FSPD Chief Travis Shelton said proceeds from the sale of the motorcycle will go into a city fund to combat drug crimes and "any illegal drug activity."

"It could go to (drug) education or any number of things," Shelton said.

City Clerk Diane Clay said during the meeting bids on the motorcycle were up to about $3,250.

* Martin also discussed with the commission a possible closing date for the Fort Scott Aquatic Center, which is scheduled to open for the summer season on May 26. With the 2014-15 school year starting Aug. 28, Martin said his recommendation is to close the pool on Aug. 10. He said most lifeguards who work at the pool are high school and college students.

Commissioners approved the date of Aug. 10 for the closing date for the pool.

* Martin also said that old used fitness equipment at Buck Run Community Center was donated to the Fort Scott Community College Athletic Department for their use.

* Fort Scott Fire Chief Paul Ballou informed the commission that he is working on updating the dispatch center which currently has aging equipment and furniture. He said dispatch may have to be moved for at least 30 days during improvements. Options for a temporary dispatch center while changes are made include the basement of the Bourbon County Courthouse as well as a location inside Fire Station No. 2 on the east side of town.

During the meeting, the commission also:

* Approved the use of Gunn Park and all shelter houses within the park for the Zombie Race this fall to benefit the United Way of Bourbon County. Jared Leek with the United Way appeared before the commission to request use of the park and all shelter houses inside the park for the event, which is scheduled for Oct. 24. Leek said last year, organizers expected about 60 participants and more than 400 participants turned out. Leek said organizers are hoping for at least 500 participants this year. Last year's event raised more than $12,000 for the United Way and its partner agencies and helped the organization meet its annual goal.

* Approved the Fort Scott Color Jam 5K race, which is scheduled for 9 a.m. Saturday, May 24, and set to begin and end at Fort Scott Community College. The FSCC volleyball team will host the event, which will also include a one-mile "fun run" for kids, FSCC Head Volleyball Coach Lindsay Hill said. Hill said she has spoken with various city officials who have approved the route for the event. Hill said she is "hoping for a couple hundred people" to participate. Participants in the Color Run will be splattered with a different color of powder at various points during the run. The purpose of the event is to promote health and wellness within the community.

* Mayor Cindy Bartelsmeyer read a proclamation declaring May 11-17 as Nursing Home Week in Fort Scott and urged all citizens to support the quality of life in nursing facilities by visiting the residents of these facilities and by learning more about long-term care in Fort Scott and across the nation.

* Approved the consent agenda, which included appropriation ordinances totaling $429,149; various closures of streets and parking lots for the annual Good Ol' Days celebration June 5-7; a cereal malt beverage beer garden application from the Bourbon County Shrine Club for the Good Ol' Days street fair June 6-7 and Memorial Hall on June 7; and resolutions and notices of hearing with reference to alleged dangerous and unsafe structures located at 109 S. Margrave and 306 N. Ford streets, and a notice of hearing with reference to alleged dangerous and unsafe structure located at 111 S. Margrave St., and set public hearing dates of 6:15 p.m. June 17 for all structures.

* Approved the low bid of $189,981 from McConnell Associates of North Kansas City, Mo., for a project to seal cracks and repair asphalt on the runway at the Fort Scott Municipal Airport. This includes an alternate bid to clean and repair cracks at the Ward Kraft connecting taxiway at the airport. The project will be funded through a 90-10 Federal Aviation Administration grant with the city's portion amounting to about $26,000 and with the alternate bid, an additional $2,300. Director of Finance Jon Garrison said the city's portion will come from available funds in the Capital Improvement Fund.

Airport Manager Kenny Howard said three bids were received for the project. Other bidders included Vance Brothers, Inc., of Kansas City, Mo., with a total bid including the alternate of $278,597; and Bishop Construction Company of Aurora, Mo., in the total amount including the alternate of $193,984. The engineer's estimate including the alternate bid was $226,959.

* Approved the amendment of a portion of the city's fire prevention code restricting bonfire or rubbish fires within the Fort Scott city limits. The approved, amended ordinance states that in respect to bonfire or rubbish fires no person shall kindle or maintain any fire unless the location is more than 50 feet from any structure and adequate provision is made to prevent the fire from spreading to within 50 feet of any structure; and the fire is contained in an approved waste burner located safely and not less than 25 feet from any structure. In all instances, a written permit must be obtained from the Fort Scott Fire Department before any burning is allowed, the ordinance states.

* Approved a motion to appoint Sharon Campbell to the Golf Course Advisory Board.