Spring: Bourbon County's Community Garden time

Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Loretta George/Tribune photo The Bourbon County Community Garden awaits the planting for the spring season. Garden plots are available to those who wish to plant at the site, at 915 S. Horton.

Though the group that organized the community garden at 915 S. Horton St. has disbanded, the opportunity for those who like to garden, but don't have the space, will continue.

The Bourbon County Community Garden Committee is still under the leadership of Jody Brillhart, but the Visioning a Healthier Bourbon County group no longer exists.

"I took a job in Pleasanton and the (Visioning a Healthier Bourbon County) committee dispersed," she said." Bourbon County Community Garden Committee (will continue) to work. We have an account under Mother to Mother Ministry to hold our grant funds, and have for a couple years. Now we have a garden committee that doesn't necessarily meet but communicates via email and telephone," Brillhart said.

Committee members are Dave Martin, Janet Braun, Barb McCord, Deb Madison, Fred Benjamin, Karen Brown and Terry Koester.

"Another small change is My Father's House Community Services has graciously agreed to take garden applications for us," Brillhart said. "People can, of course, call me at Pleasanton at (the) Mercy (Clinic) at (913) 352-8379 or City Hall, (620) 223-0550."

Applications will be taken beginning April 1. Allen Schellack is the local contact for My Father's House Community Services and can be reached in person on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. at (620) 223-2212 or by leaving a message.

"Some of our regular gardeners have reserved a plot and are planning on planting early this year," Brillhart said.

Another change is the groundskeeper for the project. Kirk Sharp will do the mowing and weedeating.

"He did this towards the end of the growing season last year and worked out very well," Brillhart said.

The guidelines and rules for the May 1 to Oct. 1 Bourbon County Garden planting season are:

* Plots are allotted on a "first-come-first served" basis. An application must be submitted to reserve garden space.

* If the gardener plans to go out of town for more than four days, there must be an honest effort to find another person to tend their plot in that absence.

* If the plot must be abandoned for any reason, the gardener must contact City Hall.

* Weeds will be kept out of the plot by the gardener, who also must maintain the areas immediately surrounding their plot.

* If a plot becomes unkempt, a one-week notice will be given to clean it up. At that time, it will be re-assigned or tilled in.

* Trash and litter will be cleaned from the plot, as well as from adjacent pathways and fences.

* Each gardener will participate in the fall garden clean up.

* Tall crops may be planted only where they will not shade a neighboring plot.

* Permission to pick in another plot must be given by the other plot user.

* Volunteer hours toward community garden efforts are required. For each individual plot, two hours per month must be given to the community garden.

* No pets are allowed in the garden.

* Use of fertilizers, insecticides, or weed repellants will not be allowed if they in any way affect other plots.