Board reverses decision on allowing double participation in activities

Friday, March 14, 2014

USD 235 Board of Education members reversed a decision Monday regarding whether to allow girls who play basketball to also be cheerleaders.

In February, acting on a recommendation from Superintendent Randy Rockhold, the board voted not to allow girls to participate in both activities.

On Monday, the board voted unanimously to allow basketball team girls to also cheer at games.

Uniontown High School student Jana Wilkinson presented reasons to the board for allowing senior girls to play basketball and also be a cheerleader at Monday's monthly BOE meeting, according to the unapproved minutes from the meeting.

Board Member Shawn Wilkinson, who is also Jana's father, made a motion to accept a policy allowing basketball players to participate in cheerleading during the season. Daniel Johns seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

There were two 15-minute executive sessions held to discuss personnel matters of nonelected personnel in order to protect the privacy of an identifiable individuals. David Defebaugh was invited into the first session. West Bourbon Elementary School Principal Tracy Smith and Superintendent and Uniontown Junior/Senior High Principal Randy Rockhold were included in the second session.

Coming out of the second executive session, Board Member Doug Coyan "motioned" to approve a non-action special meeting on March 24 for personnel matters, and it was seconded by Matt Simpson, according to the unapproved board minutes.

In other business the board:

* Approved the retirement of cook Mary Lou Johnson on Aug. 31.The board expressed appreciation for her many years of dedicated service.

* Received an update from Delta Pollock on the Families and Schools Together program, the after school program and the summer boost camp.

* Heard from Tara Gorman and Carrie Miller, third-grade teachers at West Bourbon Elementary School, about the technology pilot program.

* Board Member Lynne Oharah reported $6,200 was the preliminary amount raised for the Justin Hueston Scholarship Fund. Thanks were given to Kevin Gleason and all who helped with the benefit.

* Approved the first wave of the technology plan.

* Approved the consent agenda which included paying bills, approving the treasurer's report for January and February, approving Chad Hays as a junior high track assistant, and approving the 2014-15 district calendar.

* Went into a third 15-minute executive session to discuss negotiations in order to protect the district's right to the confidentiality of its negotiating position and the public interest. No action was taken.

* Heard written and oral reports from both principals.