Resolved: USD 234 should (and will) host State Debate Tournament

Friday, January 10, 2014
Matthew Resnick/Tribune photo Fort Scott High School junior Jacob Pemberton brushes up on his debate skills after school Thursday. FSHS and Middle School will play host to the Class 1-3A and 4A Kansas State Debate Tournament Jan. 17-18.

There's going to be a lot of differences of opinions aired at Fort Scott High School and Middle School next week. But don't worry. It will all be closely monitored -- or judged, that is.

The Fort Scott School District is preparing to host approximately 200 debate teams during the Class 1-3A and 4A Kansas State Debate Tournament, Jan. 17-18. For the tournament, nearly all of the classrooms at FSHS and FSMS will be occupied. Registration for the event as well as a tournament kickoff will be held at 11 a.m. on Jan. 17, in the FSHS auditorium. Guest speakers will include USD 234 Superintendent Diane Gross, FSHS Principal Bob Beckham and FSHS Debate and Forensic Coach Amber Toth.

The tournament itself will begin at 1 p.m. According to Toth, each school in the tournament is allowed a maximum of four teams (and a four-speaker team if qualified via a regional debate tournament).

"I think this is a unique opportunity for our school district to bring in hundreds of people," Gross said. "Some of them students, some of them the adults, the sponsors, coaches and the various groups and parents. I think it's a good way to give recognition to what we're doing with our education system. And just to host some really talented kids that have earned their way to the state (debate) tournament. I think we're (Fort Scott) willing and able to be hospitable to these folks coming in, and show them what Fort Scott has to offer. So I think it's a great opportunity for us."

The FSHS debate team won the regional tournament Dec. 21 in Independence, defeating Coffeyville, Independence, Parsons, and Wellington. Four two-speaker FSHS debate teams qualified for the state tournament. Representing FSHS at the state tournament are the teams of Ben Sweyko and Mady McColm, Jasmine Davis and Camden Stiles, Jacob Pemberton and D.J. Blethen, and Tyler Slinkard and Taylor Neilson.

The Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce is assisting with the tournament's festivities, as it will be responsible for setting up the hospitality lounge in both the high school and middle school buildings.

"There have been so many businesses that have stepped up and donated time, money, food and people to man our hospitality (lounge), so they have been amazing," Toth said.

This is Toth's first year as the FSHS debate team coach. Prior to taking this job, Toth spent 10 years at Caney Valley High School, where she coached three state debate championship teams from 2011 to 2013 prior to arriving at FSHS.

On the heels of the debate teams regional win in December, Toth said she feels good about FSHS's chances in the upcoming tournament. Additionally, Toth estimates the event will bring in close to 1,200 people for the weekend of the tournament.

"I think it's an amazing honor to have the event here," Toth said. "It brings in so many people into our community that maybe have never been to Fort Scott before. We have a lot of tourism and really cool things to see here that a lot of people really aren't aware of. It's a lot of prestige to be able to host the state event. As a coach, it's really exciting because I get to see people from all over the state come to our building and be able to use our facilities."

According to information provided by Toth, throughout the season, FSHS students have debated a resolution that is selected by a nationwide vote of debate schools. The 2013-2014 topic is "Resolved: The United States Federal Government should substantially increase its economic engagement toward Cuba, Mexico and Venezuela." The FSHS team was also nationally recognized as being in the 200 Club with the National Forensics League.

"I've inherited some really fine kids," Toth said. "Our four-speaker team is admittedly very young, but even as a very young team they were able to be the regional champs. And my older kids, we've had a really good season. We've taken first or second in almost every tournament we've been to. They're very dedicated, they work really hard -- and I think we stand an excellent chance of bringing home a state championship."

Gross said she thinks the weekend event has the potential to be an economic boon to Fort Scott.

"I think it (the tournament) will draw in some money to the community, because these people are going to be here most of the day on Friday and most of the day on Saturday," Gross said. "And I just think we need to show them what's here in Fort Scott. And hopefully encourage them to return. Gross later added "I want to give a big round of thanks to our Chamber who has facilitated bringing in refreshments, food and meals for the groups that will be here. So we're very blessed to have some people in the community that are willing to go out and help us out."

"Amber has done a phenomenal job with our kids there, and I think it gives her the ability to showcase what we're doing with our debate program," Gross said.