Board serving breakfast so building can still serve community

HAMMOND -- Efforts by community members to raise money for the needs of the Hammond Community Center will continue with a breakfast fundraiser next month at the center.
The Hammond Community Center Board of Directors will host a biscuits and gravy fundraiser from 6 to 10 a.m. Saturday, May 4. Organizers said the building needs donations to help with costs of upkeep and repair. The center was built in the 1980s.
Angela Christy, board secretary and treasurer, said organizers don't have a particular financial goal in mind for the fundraiser. The goal is to continue raising funds throughout the year for the center's regular needs.
"We don't have one particular project in mind, it's usual upkeep and any improvements that come up, and operating costs," she said. "Expenses are going up and like everybody, it's been hard to make ends meet."
Last year, a spaghetti feed fundraiser brought in about $600 for the center, Christy said.
"We thought we'd try breakfast this year," she said.
Last year, the main goal was to raise enough money to repaint the building's exterior and put some aside for future needs.
Christy said the building is scheduled to receive a new paint job sometime in the coming weeks.
"We did get the money for it; it's not painted yet but hopefully within the next month," she said. "It may not be painted before this fundraiser."
Other fundraisers last year brought in enough funds to replace the septic system and help pay bills due to funding cuts and increased expenses.
Christy said the group that uses the center most often is the Northeast Scott 4-H Club, which uses it at no charge for monthly club meetings, project meetings, ceremonies and special events. The club uses the center for more than 20 events each year.
Each spring, the club conducts a clean-up day in which club members clean the building and complete touch-ups, Christy said.
The building is also used by the Osage Township and is available for rent throughout the year, the latter of which "is probably our main source of income other than fundraisers and the township," Christy said.
The center is also the site of receptions, birthday parties, wedding and baby showers, meetings and family reunions that take place throughout the year.
"It's a little bit of everything," Christy said.
Christy said the center is a vital part of the community and is the only community center left in the Osage Township of Bourbon County. The facility has served the Hammond area since the closing of the Hammond School. The new building, which was constructed about 30 years ago, is in need of updates and repairs.
When the Hammond School closed, the building was torn down and the community center was built in the same location, Christy said.
The center is located in Hammond about six miles north of Fort Scott. To get there, take U.S. Highway 69 north to the Soldier Road exit, then turn east on Soldier Road. Go east about .8 miles and the facility is located on the north side of the road.
Biscuits and gravy, coffee and juice will be served at the fundraiser. Organizers will accept any free will donations. Anyone who is unable to attend but would like to make a contribution may send a check to Christy at 2139 Quail Road, Fort Scott, Kan., 66701.
For more information, contact Christy at (620) 644-8785, or by e-mail at