FSCC Trustees bend rule for event
Though winter storm Rocky may have delayed the Fort Scott Community College Board of Trustees regular monthly meeting three days, it did little to slow the board's productivity as they acted on numerous motions during Thursday afternoon's rescheduled meeting, including two items tabled from January's meeting.
The board approved an exemption from FSCC's alcoholic beverages policy for the FSCC scholarship auction in late April, which will be at the Ellis Fine Arts Center because of a lack of adequate facilities in Fort Scott.
In a related motion, Trustees voted to change FSCC's alcohol policy to allow alcohol at the Willis Fine Arts Center and East Building (also known as the Armory) and specifically defined roped-off areas near those two buildings, no more than 50 feet from the buildings. The amended policy would allow alcohol to be served only at performing arts or fund raising events sponsored by the college, the Greyhound Club or the FSCC Endowment Association and all events must be approved by FSCC's president.
The previous policy did not allow alcoholic beverages on campus, but FSCC President Clayton Tatro said he would like the option of serving them on-campus during the scholarship auction.
Trustees voted 5-1 to change the current policy, with Board Vice Chair Bernita Hill as the only opposition. Hill had expressed concerns that the policy was too loosely worded and that it might be interpreted wrongly.
"This could open a whole can of worms," Hill told the board.
Also tabled from January's meeting was a request from Tatro to form a Facilities Committee within the Board of Trustees. In January, Tatro told the board that within the next two years, he believes the cosmetology program in Pittsburg will need to find another home. He said Vinyl Plex, where the school is currently located, has allowed FSCC to use its building for $1 per year, but is paying more than $36,000 per year in taxes on the structure. Tatro said a facilities board will help when situations like this arise.
"It makes sense to me to have a board-approved facilities committee, so we could have in-depth conversation beyond the regular monthly meeting," Tatro said.
Trustees approved formation of the three-member committee, which will consist of trustees Robert Nelson, Jim Fewins and Mark McCoy. The board will function in an advisory capacity and will make no final decisions on facilities. The committee will bring its recommendations to the regular board meetings.
The board also approved a bid for $16,650 from Seward Electric for installation of a ventilation system to accommodate nine welding booths at the Construction Trades Building in Pittsburg. Tatro said not only was Seward the low bidder, but they could start work on the project as soon as FSCC notified them to begin. He added that 100 percent of the funding for the project came from money raised in Crawford County.
Tatro also recommended the board review the current mission statement for the college to look at revising or amending it. He said it has been the same since the 1990s and would like the board to either confirm or revise it. The board decided to study the mission statement and come up with recommendations at the March meeting.
Trustees also received a written Construction Trades Report from Director of Construction Trades Nacoma Oehme, who could not attend because of a schedule conflict. The report detailed Oehme's efforts to increase enrollment in his program, including numerous visits to high schools and career fairs. Oehme wrote that the effort has paid off. He added that he has 15 new students in masonry and 12 new students in carpentry this semester. He also said the welding program is "off and running," with 12 day students and nine night students.
Tatro said he is considering expanding the program to as many as six day classes in the Fall, depending on enrollment numbers. He said at a minimum, four day classes and one night class will be available next semester.
In other business:
*Trustee Robert Nelson congratulated four FSCC students who were selected to the Kansas All-State Phi-Theta Kappa Academic Team. Jared Bahr and Taylor Bailey, of FSCC and Heather Duncan and Devin Sage, of FSCC, Miami County all received medallions and certificates, stipends and a $1,000 scholarship to attend any of the Kansas Board of Regents four-year institutions
*The board approved disposal of a Dell Latitude laptop computer, a large number of off-lease tower computers and computer accessories.
*Director of Public Relations Kathleen Hinrichs presented the board with a promotional and informational brochures touting the low mill levy and high productivity of the institution.
*Tatro said about $90,000 in private donations has been raised for the new $120,000 rodeo practice facility. *Tatro also announced that about $1.8 million dollars was disbursed this semester through Pell Grants and federal student loans. "That is a pretty good economic impact," Tatro said.
*Tatro also announced that