Northeast Scott 4-H approves donating funds for tables
"What do you want for Christmas was the roll call answered by 26 members and four leaders at the Northeast Scott 4-H club meeting on Dec. 12.
Song leaders Kendall and Lauren Madison opened the meeting by leading the club in singing Jingle Bells. The club welcomed new members Joe and Dalayni Foulk, Carsen Wunderly, Madison Wright and Maddie Bahr. It was voted to donate $60 to the Junior Leaders to help them buy new tables for the Bourbon County 4-H building. The club also voted to go Christmas caroling on Wednesday, Dec. 19, at 5:30 p.m. at Fort Scott Manor.
Lauren Madison gave an illustrated talk on "How to Make a Gingerbread House."
Wil Wunderly gave a project talk on his bucket calf. Recreation leader Emily Hill led the club in a fun game of "Over and Under." The next meeting of the Northeast Scott 4-H club will be Jan. 9 at 7 p.m. at the Hammond Community Center.
--Submitted by
Dawson Minor