Quick has 21 years experience in office

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Editor's Note: This is part of a series of candidate profiles based on answers to a questionnaire sent out by the Tribune.

Democrat Susan Quick is the incumbent for Bourbon County Treasurer, running against Republican Rhonda Dunn in the Nov. 6 general election.

Quick was born in Fort Scott and grew up South of Redfield. She now resides West of Fort Scott with her husband, Rodger, of 44 years. They have two married daughters and two grandsons.

"I have worked in the Treasurer's Office since March, 1991,working for Opal Hess," Quick said. "She retired and I was elected, taking office October 2001."

Quick said she has experience in all facets of the Treasurer's Office.

"The County Treasurer is responsible for the bank accounts and investments," Quick said. "All the money paid to any county entity, other than the Correction Center, is receipted in the Treasurer's Office. We collect all taxes and the money is distributed five times a year to the entities, such as school districts, cities and others. All cash drawers, Treasurer's Office and Vehicle Office, are balanced daily and balanced to the penny. All employees of both offices work very hard every day to do the best job they can and do everything they can to make the customer satisfied with their transaction."

She added that all procedures in both offices are mandated by State


"All information in the Treasurer's Office is open record along with all accounting records," Quick. "All offices are audited annually and any issues found are corrected. We are currently using a very competent and efficient software program with checks and balances throughout the system. The Bourbon County website is not handled by the Treasurer's Office, but the taxes are on the web for public viewing."

Quick said there are future plans for expanding the County website.

"We are always ready to answer any questions or find the answers for questions asked anytime," Quick said. "Our offices are open 8:30 to 4:00. We are always available to the public."

As for cooperation between city and county, Quick had the following response:

"It is my feeling the City and County working together will benefit both entities. And we do have a good working relationship with the city at this time. I have a very good working relationship with all the employees of Bourbon County. I feel I am qualified for the position as I have 21 years experience and that DOES COUNT. I have the natural ability to deal with the public in all sorts of situations. I understand no one wants to pay property taxes or pay big money for vehicle tags and sometimes the situations in the office escalate, but we try to handle each customer with kindness and understanding," Quick said.

Quick is a member of the Bethel Community Church, the Kansas County Treasurer's Association and the Southeast Kansas Treasurer's District Association.

"Both of these associations are very helpful in dealing with unusual problems we encounter," Quick said.

Quick also has served on the board for The United Way.

"I am very honored to have been elected to be the Bourbon County Treasurer for the past eight years and appreciate all the support I have received over the years," Quick said. "I do feel I'm qualified to serve four more years and continue the good customer service we have provided to the taxpayers. I do not feel my opponent has the personality or disposition to hold a public office. I would appreciate your vote on November 6."