FSCC athletic website launches today

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Fort Scott Community College launched a new website for its athletic programs today. The new site can be seen at www.fsgreyhounds.com or from the FSCC website, www.fortscott.edu, by clicking on the "Athletics" tab.

"I am very thankful that President Tatro and our Board of Trustees approved this new website for Greyhound athletics," FSCC Athletic Director J.D. Ettore said. "The media cycle for sports has changed dramatically in the last five years and this new website allows Greyhound athletics to take advantage of multiple opportunities to enhance the online experience for alumni, current students, fans and sponsors."

The site is the result of a joint effort between Greyhound Athletics and PrestoSports. PrestoSports, a Rockville, Md., based company, is a leading provider of athletic content management software to colleges and conference offices used for designing, building and maintaining official athletic websites. The company is also the official statistics provider of the NJCAA.

"This is a great step for us in keeping up with the constantly changing culture that is 21st Century communications," FSCC Sports Information Director and Head Volleyball Coach Lindsay Hill said "Our new website is sharp, user friendly, and allows us to provide our fans and supporters with more up to date information."

The new website has been launched just in time for football and volleyball season. Both squads will begin pre-season practice Thursday.