Local residents speak up for dairy farmers

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Local dairy farmers David and Addi Foster, of Fort Scott, recently represented members of Dairy Farmers of America Inc. at the National Milk Producers Federation Young Cooperators Legislative Forum in Washington, D.C.

The Fosters talked to lawmakers on Capitol Hill to urge their support of dairy policy provisions within the Agriculture Reform, Food and Jobs Act of 2012 (Farm Bill).

The Fosters met with staff representatives of Sens. Jerry Moran, R-Kan., and Pat Roberts, R-Kan., and Rep. Lynn Jenkins, R-Kan., to express their support for dairy provisions contained in the Farm Bill, which was recently approved by the Senate.

Specifically, the Fosters discussed the current state of the Kansas dairy industry and how the Farm Bill would be beneficial to their operation, a news release said.

The couple also had a chance to attend a reception honoring America's dairy farmers where legislators, legislative staff and other dairy producers were in attendance.

Congress is currently considering legislation on a variety of issues that impact today's dairy industry, including agricultural research and promotion programs, the market access program and producer program eligibility caps -- all of which are part of the Farm Bill, the release said.

The Fosters' trip allowed them and other DFA members to communicate how these proposals would affect their operations, while reinforcing the value they derive as member-owners of DFA, the release said.

The Fosters are partners with David's parents on their 130-cow operation. David is active in DFA's Young Cooperators program, having served on the Central Area YC Steering Committee and as vice chairman of the 2012 NMPF YC Advisory Council. He is also chairman of the Bourbon County Farm Bureau Young Farmer and Rancher program and chairman of the Kansas Farm Bureau Dairy Advisory Committee.

Dairy Farmers of America Inc. is a national dairy marketing cooperative that serves and is owned by nearly 15,000 members on nearly 9,000 farms in 48 states, the release said.

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