Hiattville 4-H, Walnut Wonder Workers meeting held
The Hiattville 4-H club had a special joint meeting for their monthly meeting held June 10. They joined the Walnut Wonder Workers at the Hepler community building.
The meeting was called to order by Hannah Fry at 5 p.m. There was 14 members and two leaders present. Roll call was answered by favorite breakfast food.
Gavin Fry read the minutes from the May meeting. Our leaders reminded us of upcoming events such as fair entries being due Friday, June 15.
The program consisted of Hannah Fry giving a speech comparing relationships with fencing and Sheldon Bailey talked about his artwork. A few members of the Walnut 4-H club gave presentations as well.
Cody Yakel became a new member.
For recreation, a mixer game was played involving a beach ball and answering questions about yourself.
The song was "If You're Happy and You Know It."
Meeting was adjourned and members enjoyed a hotdog supper in the park with new friends and games.
Submitted to the Tribune by Haydon Schaaf