Fun stuff update; Recreation topic of monthly gathering at Buck Run Community Center

Friday, June 15, 2012

Recreation will be the theme of the next "Update Fort Scott" meeting scheduled for 5:30 p.m. Thursday, June 21, at Buck Run Community Center, 735 Scott Ave.

Economic Development Manager Macy Cullison, one of the organizers of the new monthly meetings, said the gathering will give local residents a chance to hear from city and county officials, as well as guest speakers, about all the recreational activities available in town.

Cullison said City Manager Dave Martin, Public Works Director Eric Bailey and Parks Supervisor Todd Farrell are scheduled to talk about Gunn Park; a representative of the Gunn Park Trails committee will discuss the new trails inside the park; and a member of the Youth Activities Team will talk about recreational activities available locally.

Other topics along recreational lines will include the new Fort Scott Aquatic Center, Buck Run and other parks throughout town.

Frank Halsey, member of the Gunn Park Trails committee, said he will provide an update on the dirt paths that have been built inside the park.

"I will talk briefly about how the trails started in 2009," he said. "The city stopped it (the project) for awhile due to liability concerns. Then in the spring of 2011, the city gave us permission to start again. Since then, we have added about three miles of trail."

Halsey said there are now "slightly over four miles" of timber trail in the park that can be used for walking, mountain biking, hiking or jogging. He estimated the trails' worth to be between $40,000 and $60,000.

The trails make a loop around the entire park starting and ending at the main gate.

Halsey said the committee plans to add another two to three miles to the trails by next winter.

"The goal is to eventually attract a mountain bike race," he said. "I think once we have over five miles of trail, we can attract a race."

The addition of the trails has been entirely funded by volunteer contributions. The five-member Gunn Park Trails group completed and financed all the layout, design and construction and will continue with maintenance of the trails, Halsey said.

"It's a way for those of us working on it to give something back to Fort Scott," he said.

Cullison said the trails are currently heavily used by walkers, bikers and runners. The city has not put any money into the trails, but has helped with the project by providing some equipment.

Also during the June 21 meeting, YAT members are expected to speak about starting work on the Ellis Park project and their future plans.

"They will talk about where they are in the process and what we can expect this summer at the park," Cullison said.

Organizers changed the time of the "Update Fort Scott" meetings from morning to evening to hopefully boost attendance and accommodate people who are interested in attending, but are unable to leave work during the day, she said.

"We want to make it more available to everyone in the community, rather than just those who can get away from work during the day," Cullison said.

About 25 people attended the first gathering held last month at Buck Run. That meeting, which featured a "Spring Cleaning" theme, included information from city and county officials on the latest projects going on in town, and updates from other speakers on various groups' activities and continuing plans to help improve properties in the area.

The monthly meetings, organized by the city of Fort Scott and Citizens Bank, are scheduled for the third Thursday of each month at Buck Run, and each will feature a different theme. The meetings, which last about one hour, also include time for socializing and questions from community members.

Fort Scott has many events, projects, and activities that are moving the community forward and bettering the town; the "Update Fort Scott" meetings are a chance for residents to hear about all of them from city and county officials, and guest speakers, a news release said.

Refreshments will be provided.

Questions about the program can be directed to City Hall at (620) 223-0550.