Bourbon County cost-share sign-up slated
The Bourbon County Conservation District will have a sign-up period for cost-share funds from the state Conservation Commission to assist landowners in installing enduring soil and water conservation structures.
The State Water Resources Cost-Share Program for applying conservation practices is an asset in protecting the soil, water and related natural resources of Bourbon County, a news release said.
These funds are provided by the State Conservation Commission through an appropriation from the Kansas Water Plan Fund. The sign-up period is from June 8-July 14. Landowners who have a need for funding should come in during the sign-up period, the release said. The local conservation district will approve cost sharing with landowners on grassed waterways, terraces, diversions, critical area plantings, range seedings, and pasture and hayland plantings, stockwater ponds and stockwater tanks, cross fencing, nutrient management, soil testing and updating failing on-site wastewater systems.
Priority will be placed on highly erodible land, water quality, soil erosion, grazing lands and riparian areas, the release said.
For more information, stop by the Conservation District Office, 1515 S. Judson, Suite B, or call (620) 223-3170, ext. 3.