Student receives recognition as south Kansas NFL District Senior of the Year
It has been four years in the making, but Fort Scott High School senior Baker Weilert has been recognized by the South Kansas National Forensic League Speech and Debate Society as the districts graduating Senior of the Year. The honor recognizes the top student for their successes and contribution to the activity.
Weilert has been a standout, not only as a top performer in the southeast region, but at the state and national levels, a news release said.
His accomplishments show his abilities as a debater and a performer in forensics.
In debate, Weilert has helped win three four-speaker policy debate state trophies, has been a two-time national policy debate qualifier and a three-time Debate Coaches Invitational qualifier.
In forensics, he has placed at state in five different events with two duet state titles.
He was also part of three forensics state team championships. He has qualified to the national tournament in Dramatic Interp, Humorous Interp and Duo Interp.
Currently, Weilert is ranked 18th in the NFL out of more than 112,000 students nationwide.
He is the Fort Scott high School NFL president and is planning to debate at Louisiana Tech University on scholarship where he will pursue a degree in biomed nano-systems engineering.