Birds, reptiles of prey at Family Fun Night

Tuesday, April 17, 2012
West Bourbon Elementary School students stick out one finger indicating they want to touch either the lizard or the snake during Wichita State University's "Birds and Reptiles of Prey" program at USD 235 Family Fun Night Friday, April 13. About 300 people turned out for the second annual event that promotes parent-child interaction. Activities focused on math, reading and science. (Angelique McNaughton/Tribune)

UNIONTOWN -- The West Bourbon Elementary School Site Council hosted its second annual "Family Fun Night" on Friday.

Principal Tracy Smith said he estimated that 150 children attended the event -- about 300 people total.

From 5-6 p.m., families ate barbecued hot dogs and had chips and cookies.

At 6, students broke into 20-minute sessions with their parents for activities that dealt with math, reading ad science.

Last week, Smith said the main purpose of the event was to get "parents to interact with their children."

Families had a chance to hear Civil War letters read and see period attire or participate in outside activities.

For a more exotic experience, children could see and touch reptiles like snakes during Wichita State University's "Birds and Reptiles of Prey" program.

Students who attended five of the six sessions got a ticket, redeemable for a free book at the May 7 WBE book fair.