Redfield Ruritan Club meets

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Redfield Ruritan Club observed Family Night April 12 with 11 members and three visitors present.

Skeet George led the club in singing "America" and Letha Johnson voiced the table grace. A carry-in meal was served with the club funishing fried chicken.

The secretary and treasurer's reports were given by Maryetta Hixon. Both were approved on motions by club members.

Wilma Graham gave a report on this year's Easter Egg Hunt held in the Redfield City Park.

Plans were made for the Ruritan Zone Meeting to be held May 3 in Redfield. There are 10 clubs in Zones one, two and three whose members will be attending this meeting. Plans cannot be finalized until the club is advised as to the number of attendees to expect.

Some discussion was held regarding the annual Independence Day Celebration to be held June 30. There will be a Chicken Mary's dinner served during the evening with musical entertainment during the meal. Following these activities, the annual draft horse pull will be held.

Further discussion was postponed until the May meeting.

The club will be operating the concession stand at the ballfield during the youth ball games this summer. A cleanup day will be held in the near future to be ready for the new season.

The biscuit and gravy breakfast to be held May 5 will be for the benefit of the local youth baseball teams.

The menu is biscuits and gravy, sausage, eggs, coffee and juice. Serving is from 7 a.m. until 9 a.m. Come out and support our youth in this effort.

The meeting adjourned with the flag salute.

Submitted to the Tribune by Maryetta Hixon