Scottish Rite to conduct reunion
The Scottish Rite of Fort Scott will conduct its 226th Reunion on Saturday, April 14. This is a time when Scottish Rite Masons bring new members into the organization. When a person becomes a Mason, they can choose to achieve a greater degree of proficiency in the craft and the Scottish Rite is the next step, a news release said.
Reunions are ceremonies whereby men who are members in good standing in a Masonic Lodge can attend and attain the 32nd degree. The Scottish Rite is a Masonic organization which is philanthropy centered in achieving improvements in speech and language disorders in children. Treatment is given at no charge for those who qualify.
Lunch menu is ham, potatoes casserole, corn, coleslaw, hot rolls and cake. Doors open at 7 a.m. with cinnamon rolls, coffee and juice. Degree work starts at 8:15 a.m. Call (620) 223-1330 or email