Nevada Head Start going for world record
Of the 16 Head Start Centers and 34 classrooms in West Central's District, only the Nevada Head Start can boast that three of its classrooms have already met their in-kind grant match requirement for the year.
Instead of sitting back and coasting through the rest of the year, Nevada Head Start is planning its boldest in-kind event ever.
On March 29, Nevada Head Start plans to set the world record for the most people singing the alphabet together. To set the record they need more than 203 participants and the requirements for documenting the event are strict.
Director Tara McFarland said every person has to be documented coming in and out of the event. She said the people at Guinness World Records would document the event, but the price would run from $6,000 to $8,000. As it is, they sent her a packet with detailed instruction on how to document the record effort. It was more sensible to "do it this way and submit" the information for confirmation, McFarland said.
This record attempt is a way for the center to get the public involved and help meet the in-kind credit requirements set by the government. The requirement must be met for the center to continue receiving federal funding.
The fun day at Marmaduke Park they held last summer hosted around 500 participants. Each registered participant of the record attempt will earn Head Start $15 of in-kind credit per hour.
"We've already had a lot of community support" for the event, McFarland said, but she is asking residents and organizations to help Nevada Head Start raise awareness about its literacy mission and boost its in-kind funding.
Many organizations, city and agency officials have offered their services.
For more information, contact McFarland at (417) 667-5393.