Extension district to host spreadsheet workshop
The Southwind Extension District will host a day-long workshop in Savonburg, Kan., to show agricultural producers how they can create and use the latest Excel spreadsheets available to manage their farming and ranching businesses. The event will be held on Wednesday, Feb. 8, in the Savonburg Community Building beginning at 3 p.m.
The workshops will be taught be K-State agricultural economists Kevin Dhuyvetter and Rich Llewelyn and will use laptop computers, provided by K-State for the day, so participants can create their own spreadsheets.
Those attending are welcome to bring their own computers, if they prefer.
Training includes an introduction to Excel, creating spreadsheets that estimate machinery costs, crop budgets, principal and interest payments and adjusted weaning weights.
An introduction to various spreadsheet decision tools on the K-State Department of Agricultural Economics website, www.agmanager.info, is included in the training.
The meal will be sponsored by Union State Bank of Uniontown and Fort Scott. More information is available at www.southwind.ksu.edu or by calling (620) 223-3720. Pre-registration is requested by Feb. 3.