OES celebrates Carlton's 96th birthday

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Bronson Chapter No. 65 Order of the Eastern Star met Jan. 11 for a regular meeting with 12 officers present.

Worthy Matron Ednamarie Jackson and Jim Heffernon presided in the East. Members sang "Happy Birthday" to Lorna Carlton while she accompanied them on the piano. Then the members asked Carlton to play anything she liked. She played "Shine on Harvest Moon."

The meeting closed in form. Geri Reeder had cupcakes and ice cream in honor of Carlton's 96th birthday. Other refreshments were crackers and cheese and Jell-o salad with Cool Whip, which were provided by Bonita Holeman and Ednamarie Jackson.

Worthy Patron Glenn Smith and his wife Retta, the club's Martha, were at Newton, Kan., where they went to a dinner and presentation honoring a granddaughter who won a local essay contest sponsored by the Masons. After it was over, Brother Smith was asked to attend the Mason's meeting.

Submitted by Ednamarie Jackson, reporter