Hiattville 4-H meets

Thursday, January 19, 2012

The January meeting of the Hiattville 4-H club was held on Jan. 4. The meeting was called to order by President Hannah Fry, and roll call was anwsered by 19 members and two leaders.

Leader Diane Brillhart reminded members of 4-H Days coming up on Jan. 28, and leader Janet Beene reported on the upcoming steer tag in at Uniontown and Fort Scott.

Treasurer Zach Schwalm reported on the club's current balance. Gwen Fry, Hunter Schaaf, Jessica Peck and Shytana Reed gave presentations. Hunter Schaaf won the traveling trophy with his demonstration on how to make Cheerio Bars.

The members then enjoyed a game of "Duck, Duck, Goose" and refreshments served by the Bailey family.

The next meeting will be held on Feb. 1.

Submitted by Haydon Schaaf, reporter