At 101, former AHS teacher doing well

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Clay Carrington has returned from South Carolina after visiting relatives including his dad and family during the Christmas holiday. His hosts were Kenneth and Donna Carrington, Donna Kay Bowling and son Landyon and the Foster sisters, Crystal and Tiffany.

It was good to have him back in church Sunday morning helping Stuart Semple lead the singing in Arcadia Christian church.

On KOAM's four-state hero, the serviceman's picture shown on Friday, Jan. 13, was George Riley of Pittsburg. Arcadia had a George Riley who graduated from Arcadia High School in 1936. We learned of his death in Pittsburg later. Classmates wondered if it could be the same George Riley. We knew he later died in Pittsburg.

Good news was received by former Arcadia High School girls in the l930s who were in the girls' glee club and took home economics classes from Miss Reva Heath Best. She is now living in Texas. Her son Ronald Best wrote that at age 101 his mother is doing well.

Our Gang of AHS fame will meet in Arcadia Community Center on Saturday, Jan. 28, at 6 p.m. The menu will be chili dump -- bring chili to mix with others or a dessert.

During Christmas break, Brandy and Cheyenne Mellon went to Arkansas to visit friends and family during December.

Autumn Leaves Senior Citizens in Arcadia met on Monday morning, Jan. 9, for their first meeting of the new year with 14 present to enjoy a carry-in dinner, business meeting and to play bingo until each had received a prize.

The business meeting conducted by President Lily Conrod was opened with the flag salute and Lord's Prayer. Janice Mayfield and Beth Popejoy came from Arma Care Center to take blood pressure readings for each person.

In the drawing each month, the lucky ticket was held by Mary V. Shead who received the $25 gift card from the Arma Care Center. This part of the day is appreciated very much by the club members.

The nurses were dinner guests, as usual. Others in attendance were Patty and Gary Peterson, Jack and Mary Lee Payne, Helen Sisney (who swept the autumn leaves from the two porches), Alta Carpenter, Jim Turner, Shirley Garrett, Carole Garrison and Carol Bridgewater, the secretary who read the minutes from the last meeting.

Mary Lee read a poem dedicated to the late Ava Mae Adams, a member of the club. The blackout prize was won by Alta Carpenter.

All area senior citizens are invited to attend the Feb. 13, meeting in the Autumn Leaves Cottage on Arcadia Street. Dinner is at noon; bring your covered dish. Doors open at 11 a.m.

While Mark and Haley Shead were on a business trip out of Fort Scott, their two children, Katy and Benjamin Shead, spent the time with their grandparents on the Vickie and Larry Shead farm. On Saurday morning, they visited their great-grandmother, Mimi Shead, in Arcadia.

Marilyn Blair Corporon, formerly of Fort Scott, now living in Denver, Colo., wrote Ralph Shead in Carl Junction, Mo., concerning poetry she is now writing.

The two poems she sent were also enjoyed by Mary V. Shead and were entitled,

"Have a little weekend every day" and "Cotillion in the fall." They were very much enjoyed by the readers.