'Just Slip In' campaign continues

Saturday, December 17, 2011

The Vernon County office of the University of Missouri Extension has announced that it will continue the "Just Slip In" energy conservation program it started last year.

According to program director Pat Miller, the Vernon County office received a "mini grant" last fall to do something related to saving energy.

Miller used the money to design and create an easily placed and removed decal for doors that encourages users to "Just Slip In" and save on energy costs by not holding doors open for long periods. Miller had 250 decals made last year and said there are still plenty of them available for businesses and organizations.

The decals can be left on throughout the year because leaving doors open during warm weather "runs energy bills up just the same," Miller said.

Residents can stop by the extension office on the ground floor of the Vernon County Courthouse to pick up a decal, or call (417) 448-2560.

Miller said they would be glad to drop them off or put them in the mail.

The extension service also has brochures on how to save energy and more information is available on their Web site at http://extension.missouri.edu/energy.