Starlite F.C.E. helps with homes tour

Friday, November 25, 2011

Twenty-seven ladies and one man enjoyed several "Southwester" foods to begin the evening of Family and Consumer Education's Fall Follies. It was held at the First Southern Baptist Church on Nov. 15.

Southwind Extension District Agent Kathy McEwan talked about Southwestern flavors. She had several types of peppers to show the audience and explained their use in cooking, especially in New Mexico.

The second part of the program consisted of Linda Wilson making a quilt block, sewing on a paper pattern, piece by piece. With each step, she folded the paper back progressing much like a paint by number project. Both parts of the program were very informative and interesting.

Following the program, 14 Starlite F.C.E. members had a short business meeting. President Doris Ericson announced that baked food and physical help are needed for the upcoming Stocking Stuffer as part of the Fort Scott Homes for the Holidays. It will be held at the Fort Scott Middle School. The baked goods are to be delivered between 5 and 7 p.m. on Dec. 2 or between 9 and 11 a.m. on Dec. 3. Anyone who wishes to provide volunteer help during the event should contact Joyce Gobl.

The next Starlite F.C.E. meeting will be Dec. 15 at Joyce Gobl's home. it will be a potluck lunch at noon. The roll call will be a Christmas poem, a short Christmas story or a special memory.

Submitted by Betty Johnson, reporter