Commission to attend economic summit
Gov. Sam Brownback and state Sens. Pat Apple, Jeff King, Bob Marshall and Dwayne Umbarger will host the Southeast Kansas Together We Succeed Economic Summit starting at 8:30 a.m. Thursday, Nov. 17. The summit will be held at St. John's Catholic Parish Hall, 314 S. Jefferson Ave., Iola.
The Together We Succeed: Southeast Kansas Economic Improvement Initiative is meant to estalibsh a long-term strategy to generate a more prosperous future for Southeast Kansas, according to its website.
The Bourbon County Commissioners will be attending. Although a majority of commissioners will be present, no Bourbon County business will be conducted.
A schedule follows:
8:30 a.m.: Welcome, Iola Mayor Bill Shirley
8:35 a.m.: Opening remarks from Sens. Pat Apple, Bob Marshall and Dwayne Umbarger
8:45 a.m.: Governor's charge, Gov. Sam Brownback
9:05 a.m.: Challenges and Strategies for SEK, Julie Lorenz, Burns & McDonnell
9:50 a.m.: Keynote address, Charles Fluharty, Rural Policy Research Institute
10:30 a.m.: Breakout sessions. Participants will prioritize issues facing Southeast Kansas and formulate strategies for how the region can best address those issues.
11:50 a.m.: Report back session
12:20 p.m.: Synthesis and Next Steps, Sen. Jeff King.