Annual Craw-Kan Telephone meeting attended by Arcadians

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Mae Watt was very busy last week entertaining relatives in her home. They included sons Delton Jr. and Bill Watt who spent three days with her. Others were Bob and Linda Roweth, Eddie and Yvonne Gazaway and Doug and Sandy Nuzum. She enjoyed the food and music at the Fort Scott Fall Festival, and on Sunday friends took her to Liberal, Mo., to hear the Missourians sing.

John Parrish of Pittsburg, celebrated his 83rd birthday with his wife, Vera, and children present for an evening of fun, food and fellowship. Those present were Wayne and Christie Parrish, Jenny, Ryan and Kayden, Karter and Allyson Dugan, rural Arcadia, Mark and Janet Van Leeuwen from St. Paul, and their daughter Tara from Florida. She was on vacation from her job as a beautician.

In Arcadia Christian Church the Sunday before, the congrgation sang the birthday song as John gave his offering.

In keeping with Halloween the Saturday evening before, a bonfire was built by a group of people having fun downtown in the parking lot north of the new city hall on Race Street. It did not draw as much attention as many years ago when a group of ambitious boys put the Hopkins Grocery store delivery wagon on top of the high school building.

Sunday evening at 5 p.m., Oct. 30, between the Open Door Church parking lot and Bill Bridgewater's home, people began to gather for a wiener roast with all the trimmings. It was quite cool until the wind slowed down and the crescent moon appeared. All were invited to attend, and it was estimated that 75 enjoyed the evening.

Pastor Roy Widmar blessed the food. Before the roasting started, children had a fine time playing in the park area. Drawings were held for prizes that pleased the children and adults, as well. Lots of fruits, vegetables, salads and desserts were available, and to end it all, there were the toasted marshmallows. Patrons give a big thank you to the members of Open Door Church.

In the absence of Pastors Charles and Willa Cable from the Arcadia Christian Church on Halloween Sunday, Richard W. Wood of Gideons International, representing Countryside Christian Church in Pittsburg, was present for both Sunday School and church. He showed a video and told about Gideon Bible sharing. A special offering was taken for this cause. Clay Carrington and Stuart Semple led the acapella singing. The greeting song was special time for all to speak to each other.

On a recent Sunday, Dave and Carol Bridgewater gave their 47th anniversary offering as the congregation sang the special song in their honor.

Ralph and Cindy Shead of Carl Junction, Mo., recently returned to Ozark Christian College in Joplin where they once graduated, this time not as students but as substitute dorm parents in Dennis Hall, a ladies dorm. Their friend Rebekah Moyers of Fort Scott, the regular dorm mom, was on vacation. It brought back memories of the days when Sheads, themselves, lived in the boys and girl dorms. In fact, this was the dorm where Cindy once lived.

A very large crowd enjoyed the music of Frank Dunnick's band and the bountiful refreshments of cookies, doughnuts, coffee and chocloate milk. The special gift this year to each family attending was a permanent plastic drinking cup, all at the annual Craw-Kan Telephone meeting in Girard, Kan., on the evening of Oct. 26, 2011. Arcadia was well represented in that the president is Barry Bedene of Arma Funeral Home who was born in Arcadia. One of the directors is a former student and Arcadia teacher, now rural Arcadian, Terry Kunstel. A present employee, Nancy Sisney, is a former resident of Arcadia and one-time city clerk. Scott Ball, Arcadia, was of the persons who handed out the $50 gift prizes awarded that evening. Helen Sisney and Mary V. Shead were among the winners this year. Arcadia people in attendance that we spoke with that night were Thelma Medley, Pauline Smith, Joyce Stephens, Bonnie Hines, Orva Jean Greek, Lilly and Jerry Coonrod and Mary Lee and Jack Payne, who were so kind to give Helen and Mary V. a ride.

Cademon Ray of Tulsa, Okla., celebrated his 4th birthday on Oct. 20, in the home of his grandparents, Larry and Vickie Shead, Garland. His special guests were also from Tulsa -- Mondo and Leeca Jenkins and children Roman, Paislee and Tyson, 1-year-old, Cademon's family, Joel and Mitzi Ray, Atalie and baby Ryan; and great-grandmother Mary V. Shead, Arcadia.