Northeast Scott 4-H Club elects officers

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Election of officers was held at the Sept. 14 meeting of the Northeast Scott 4-H club. Grant Hill was elected preisident, Cassidy Westhoff, vice resident, Ryann Allison, secretary, Mallory Westhoff, treasurer, Dawson Minor, reporter, Christen Guilfoyle, parliamentarian, Hayden Cole and Laryn Thompson, council members, Anna Guilfoyle and Mary Gladbach, recreation leaders, Wil Wunderly and John Emmerson, song leaders, and Lauren Madison and Emily Hill, historians.

The meeting also included a "surprise farewell" party for longtime club leader Alice Helton. The next meeting of the club will be Oct. 12, at 7 p.m. at the Hammond Community Center.

Submitted by Dawson Minor, reporter