Who let the dogs out?
Seems we have a new custom at some area shopping malls -- dog-friendly environs. In fact, about 14 states now have malls, mainly outdoor shopping venues, that have extended a welcome mat to "man's best friend." Both Florida and California have the market on this trend. To make Fido feel welcome, some stores have even placed water dishes by the entrance door; some offer treats to the doggies while some have erected relaxing, fenced-in areas for Rover and friends to wander and get acquainted.
Recently I had occasion to frequent a dog-friendly mall here in Michigan. It was a beautiful summer day and shoppers were walking briskly between stores carrying their prized possessions in store monogrammed bags. As they continued their shopping journey, many encountered a number of dogs on leashes that were also on some type of mission -- to locate the various water stations, maybe some treats, and of course, other dogs.
What differentiated the dog owners from the "dogless" shoppers was that the former were not lugging any shopping bags. And thus it occurred to me -- why do certain malls welcome canines and their owners if they do not participate in the shopping experience? Yes, some of these dog-friendly malls do have a store or two devoted strictly to our four- legged friends but in most instances it seems the mall has become what we refer to in our town as a "bark park." If malls are hoping to create a niche market, how does one reconcile the apparent lack of buying power from the dog owners against those of us who are there to make a purchase?
As I continued to wander the mall I noticed that while the owners frequented some of the stores that allow dogs inside, none of the dog handlers were making any purchases. And frankly how does one make a purchase or enter a dressing room to try on some clothes with Fido in tow?
And in a couple of instances, I noticed that the wagging tails of some dogs had a tendency to clear some lower-level shelves of items.
In addition, there were some other incidents that made me question the wisdom of allowing Rover and friends to be invited to the mall. Periodically dog owners had to clean up after their four-legged companion when an "accident" occurred. People walking around with little plastic bags containing some canine's digested lunch certainly did not add to the beautiful summer day I had hoped to experience. And urinating on plants and shrubs probably is not what the mall horticulturist had in mind for maintaining the greenery around the surroundings.
I talked to some dog owners in my own neighborhood and asked them about the dog-friendly malls. Interestingly enough, those I talked to had no interest in taking their dogs to the malls. So the question arises -- why do the malls encourage owners to bring their pets and why do owners flock to these malls? For the life of me, I can't muster a cogent explanation. Maybe the answer is to ask the dogs.
Well, now I'm off to seek a mall that welcomes emus.
Esmerelda, my pet emu, needs to spread her wings.