Letter to the Editor
To The Editor:
There is a new (as of June 1) business in Fort Scott, Hill Street Recycling, located just west of the railroad tracks across from the depot. The owner, Mr. Leon Hester, is providing a wonderful opportunity for everyone to recycle. They take plastics (loosen or remove lids), aluminum including pans and food containers, tin cans, newspaper and magazines (please separate), phone books, cardboard and card stock, plastic bags, appliances, metal shelving, tires and "pretty much anything you want to get rid of." The only charge is for regular size tires at $3 per tire.
The best part is that Hill Street Recycling is open Thursday-Friday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. and Saturday, 8 a.m.-noon.
No more saving of recyclables for two weeks to a month.
It is also easy to deliver your recyclables. Just drive through the recycle building and the employees will put your recyclables in the proper bins. It's such a smooth operation.
Let's support this great business which is giving us the opportunity to be good stewards of our planet.
You can call Hill Street Recycling at (620) 224-0570 with questions.
Sandra T. Wrench
Fort Scott