Culvert replacement to start on K-52

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Starting around Sept. 19, a field survey team from the Kansas Department of Transportation will begin working in the vicinity of a culvert at a Mine Creek drainage tributary on K-52 in Linn County. The culvert is located 2 1/2 miles east of Mound City.

Surveyors will measure and record information and their findings will be used to design a project to replace the culvert. The survey is based upon the existing alignment. Survey information will be gathered for 1,500 feet in each direction of the culvert along the K-52 corridor. The survey is expected to take about four weeks, weather permitting, a news release said.

The survey party will use survey instruments on the ground to determine the locations of existing features within the survey area. A member of the survey crew will contact landowners and/or tenants for permission to enter any property.

The culvert replacement project is tentatively scheduled to begin in 2015. It is funded under the T-WORKS statewide transportation program approved by the legislature in 2010. Estimated construction cost is $575,000.

Kara LaRiviere, party chief, will be in charge of the survey for KDOT. For more information about T-WORKS projects and funding, visit