Ruritan plans Redfield Celebration

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Redfield Ruritan Club met June 9 with nine members present. The club members sang "America" before the meal, and Roy Johnson voiced the table grace.

The minutes of the last meeting and the treasurer's report were both read and approved.

The club members voted to award the $500 Lyle Hixon Memorial Scholarship to Crystal Roberts who is a nursing student at Fort Scott Community College.

Final plans were made for the Redfield Celebration to be held June 25 in the Redfield City Park. The day will begin with a parade and end with a draft horse pull at 8 p.m All activities throughout the day are free, with the exception of the Chicken Mary's Dinner being served at 6 p.m. There will be a free bean feed at noon.

Roy Johnson reported that he will be going to Don Elbrader's home to present him with a 40-year Ruritan membership pin. Don was unable to attend the meeting due to illness. He has belonged to the Refield Ruritan Club for the past 40 years.

The club members voted to make Louise Hall an honorary member of the club. Louise was welcomed as a new member. Louise and her late husband, Marvin, have always been very faithful helpers in many Redfield Ruritan Club activities.

The meeting adjourned with the flag salute.

Submitted by Maryetta Hixon, reporter