Letters to the Editor
To the Editor:
We have reached a very dangerous place in history my friends. It's time for all peace loving citizens to wake up and stand up! Once again, it seems that certain members of our government are on the war wagon and this time to say they have gone too far would be the understatement of eternity. I am referring to the worldwide war-without-end agenda. As a concerned world citizen, I am crying out to all others who know that this is insanity. We must make it clear with one voice that we have had enough of the old way of fear-based war mongering. We have already lost so many. If this war machine agenda goes forward, I cringe to think how many more will be lost. It simply must not happen. It's time for We The People to raise our voices in peaceful, social revolution! We must take back our power of protest. We have a choice here: Sit back, do nothing and hope for the best, or rise up and find our voices. I hope you will find this to be as important as it really is. God bless and protect us all.
Fallon Lewis
Yates Center
To the Editor:
The Beacon appreciates the outstanding response of the community for its record-breaking food drive sponsored and implemented by our United States Postal Service. On Saturday, May 14, 11 letter carriers collected 5,000 pounds of food on their regular delivery routes throughout Bourbon County.
This was a daunting task. Bravo! On Tuesday, May 17, about a dozen vo-ag students from Fort Scott High School descended on the Post Office with an assortment of vehicles and loaded the food for transport to The Beacon. Once there, a fire brigade type line of students unloaded about 175 mail bins full of food items into The Beacon basement for storage -- accomplished in one class period! Several church groups have volunteered to help sort and put into flats the wonderful assortment of canned corn, beans, peas, fruit, pork and beans, chili, tuna, cereal, mac and cheese, and many other food items. This will provide excellent food for needy families for weeks to come. Thanks to all who made this such a successful event.
Bob Eckles
Director of The Beacon