Uniontown 4-H Club welcomes new members

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The April meeting of the Uniontown 4-H Club was called to order by president Reed Gleason.

Seventeen members answered roll call by telling their "Favorite Rainy Day Activity."

Drew George led the flag salute, and Chase Gleason led the 4-H Pledge. Caitlin Jackson, the club secretary, read the minutes from the March meeting. Chase Gleason gave the treasurer's report. Cole George gave the reporter's report.

Drew George and Caitlin Jackson gave the 4-H council report.

In the leader's report, Teresa Martin told the group about a foods meeting to be held April 27 from 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. with a photography meeting to follow from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. These were held at the community building in Uniontown.

Leader Laura George reminded members about goat, sheep and swine tag-in for the fair. Horse project members were reminded that horse 4-H I.D.'s were due in the extension office by May 2.

In new business, the club booth for the fair was discussed. Teresa Martin will chair this project, and members were encouraged to volunteer for this committee.

Brooke Ford and Torri Hathaway were recognized as new members.

During the program Danielle Nading gave an informative talk on her meat goat project, and she was awarded the traveling trophy recognition.

Madelynn Ard led the group in "The Telephone Game" for recreation.

Clayton and Danielle Nading led the club in singing "Bingo."

Refreshments were served by the Jackson and Martin families.

-- Submitted by Cole George, reporter