Business workshop set

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Area residents interested in starting their own business are encouraged to attend a free two-hour "How to Start Your Own Business" workshop from 1-3 p.m. May 19 in the Greyhound Room of the Administration Building on the Fort Scott Community College campus, 2108 Horton.

The workshop is for people thinking about starting their own business, or who are just curious about what it takes to do so.

Participants will learn what they will need to consider beginning their own business and what services are available to assist them. The seminar will address: business planning; start-up considerations; forms of business ownership; licensing and registration considerations; marketing considerations; financial factors; sources of capital; and business assistance available. Presenters for the workshop will be members of the Kansas Small Business Development Center counseling staff.

There is no fee for the session, but advance registration is required at least two days prior to the event. To register by phone, call the Kansas Small Business Development Center at Pittsburg State University at (620) 235-4921; or mail or fax name, address and phone number to the KSBDC at PSU.

Fax number is (620) 235-4919 and the mailing address is KSBDC, Pittsburg State University, Pittsburg, Kan., 66762.