Bronson Eastern Star convenes
The Bronson Chapter No. 65 Order of the Eastern Star met in March at the Bronson Masonic Hall for a regular meeting with 10 members present.
The meeting opened in regular form with Brother Glenn Smith, Worthy Patron, and sister Ednamarie Jackson, Worthy Matron in the East. The Worthy Matron greeted and thanked all for coming out. The election of officers was held and the officers installed. The Charter was draped for Fredrick W. Clarke, Most Worthy Grand Patron. The April meeting will be downstairs.
The Worthy Patron's closing thought was: "The probability of someone watching you is proportional to the stupidity of your action." The meeting closed in form and all retired to the dining room where Bonita Holeman served refreshments of beef sausage roll, crackers and cheese, cake, candy and coffee.
We appreciate Elvis Reeder who faithfully has the rooms warm for us on these cold nights.
--Submitted by Ednamarie Jackson, reporter