Barnstormers 4-H meets, receives check
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
The Barnstormers 4-H Club received a check for $2,500 from Beverly Furman Farms.
The March meeting was "parents" night. Mr. Pitts talked about choosing a show pig.
Mr. Crystal did a project talk on sheep.
Members attending were Chance Furman, Alexa Furman, Kole Wagner, Tanner Howard, Kaitlyn Hanks, Jackson Pitts, Jake Harvey, Jessie Carmac, Jacob DeLaTorre, Braden Griffiths and guests Delta George and Beverly Furman. The club changed its meeting time to 7 p.m. beginning in May.
The "Raptors" exhibit from Pitt State will be at the April meeting. Arrive at 6:30 p.m.
The Barnstormers voted to run the concession stand at the "Best You Can Get Sale" on April 8 at Arnold Arena.
Submitted by Kaitlyn Hanks